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Thursday, 22 January 2009

Putri & Our Extended Family...

BaBy PutRi WiTh
GrAnDpA NaDZiR & gRaNdMa NaF..

gRaNdMa NaF's 1st pRoJeCt oN BaBy P!!

aLL eXCitEd WiTh tHe HeNNa..
tHaNkS gRaNdMa!!

We now have an extended family =) We have Uncle Nadzir, Auntie Nafisa, Bro Farique, Sis Dina, Ferdy & Fayzal. Baby Putri is so attached to the family that she (and mommy me!!) goes to their house almost every single night!! Sometimes I felt embarrassed when she made their house like it was all HERS!!! *sigh*... Well, she's a bratty after all!! And every time she's there, she refuse to leave. I just hope my new extended family will not get bored with us, cause i love them to bits... (Mom, Dad, this doesn't mean I don't love you guys, okaaay!! Hahahaha....You know you're always at the top!!)... ~XOXOX~

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

ehem ehem.

hahahhaha =D